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App::bind 와 App::singleton의 차이점 본문


App::bind 와 App::singleton의 차이점

Matt.park 2020. 6. 24. 11:52

원문 : stackoverflow.com/questions/25229064/laravel-difference-appbind-and-appsingleton


Laravel: Difference App::bind and App::singleton

I get a bit confused over all the nice things laravel has to offer in terms of the IOC container and facades. Since I'm not an experienced programmer it gets overwhelming to learn. I was wondering...


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

class FirstClass
    public $value;

class SecondClass
    public $value;

// Test bind()
$container = new Illuminate\Container\Container();


$instance = $container->make('FirstClass');
$instance->value = 'test';

$instance2 = $container->make('FirstClass');
$instance2->value = 'test2';

echo "Bind: $instance->value vs. $instance2->value\n";

// Test singleton()

$instance = $container->make('SecondClass');
$instance->value = 'test';

$instance2 = $container->make('SecondClass');
$instance2->value = 'test2'; // <--- also changes $instance->value

echo "Singleton: $instance->value vs. $instance2->value\n";


결과는 아래와 같습니다.

// Bind 테스트
Bind: test vs. test2

// Singleton 테스트
Singleton: test2 vs. test2


All the magic lies in the Container::make method.

Container::make 메소드에 따라 결과가 다릅니다.처리됩니다.


If the binding is registered as shared (which means as singleton), the class instance is returned, otherwise a new instance every time.

App::bind로 사용하면 매번 새 인스턴스가 반환이 되고, App::singleton으로 사용하면 마지막에 생성한 클래스로 인스턴스가 반환 됩니다.



혹시, 원문과 다른 의미로 번역했다면, 알려주시길 부탁 드립니다.


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